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Special Education

Bridge Services 

Dr. Sandi I. Ives, Supervisor
Ms. Tracy E. Paris, Program Secretary

Office Location:
Hadley Farms
7401 Hadley Farms Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879

Phone: 301-548-4930
Fax: 301-840 -7199
View Staff Directory

Bridge services support students in Grades 6–12 who demonstrate significant social emotional learning, and/or behavioral challenges that make  it difficult for them  to succeed in a comprehensive school environment. Many students require social and emotional support to access their academic program. Comprehensive behavior management  strategies such as proactive teaching and rehearsal of social skills and the use of  structured and consistent reinforcement systems are hallmarks of this program. Services are provided in a continuum of settings that may include separate classes and  opportunities for participation in general education classes with nondisabled peers as appropriate. 

Briggs Chaney MS (Grades 6–8),
Gaithersburg MS (Grades 6–8),
Herbert Hoover MS (Grades 6–8)

Gaithersburg HS (Grades 9–12),
Paint Branch HS (Grades 9–12)
Winston Churchill HS (Grades 9–12)